Thursday Jun 08, 2023
First Gen American Ep. 21 Bernie Sanchez
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Welcome Bernie!
My name is Bernie De Jesus Sanchez, I’m a 24 year old freelancer/ entrepreneur first gen American.
I have a business named Right-Hand Man NH, where I provide a handyman service based on the experience and know what I’ve gained from business school & working in the construction field. I started my business in October of 2020, and as of last month (Jan. 2021) I have been working for myself entirely.
I subcontract for different companies/ businesses, and I do my own side work on top of that such as dump runs, small fixes, fall cleanup, shoveling & plowing etc. I also started a podcast in late 2020 that I’ve now recorded 16 episodes for, acquired multiple small sponsors, and a radio show for my content. The business and podcast are very fresh & new but I have high hopes for what the future brings. I am excited to show my friends and family exactly what you can do with some focus and effort no matter where you came from or originated, and I plan to do that through leading by example. I started the business in order to give my family a starting point for future careers & generational wealth. It’s something I want to pass to my children someday. As for the podcast, I started it as a platform to promote and advertise my services, and also promote & advertise others peoples small businesses in my area. I want to help the people of my community get where they want to be, while also helping me get where I want to be for my future children.